
Level 80 Progress

To be effient, have 5 quests running at once to ensure that you get everything all the time from all the things. 1. For Want of a Memory (BSF, HW Fates)
1. The Will to Resist (Antitower) 1. Change of Arms (CT, CLL, CE BSF) 1. A New Path of Resistance (DR)
1. Irresistible (DR, Dalraida, LVL 70 Dungeon, HoH ) 6. Done:



First Free. Each additional one takes 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders (Cost 1000 Poetics)

Augmented Resistence

Quest: For Want of a memory. 20 each Memory of the Dying: Tortured, Sorrowful, Harrowing.

  1. Tortured: Coerthas West High or Sea of Clouds; zone 1 of BSF
  2. Sorrowful: Dravanian Forelands or Churning Mists; zone 2 BSF
  3. Harrowing: Dravanian Hinterlands or Azys Lla; zone 3 of BSF


Quest: The Will to Resist; 6 Bitter Memories of the Dying

Best place to do this is BLU Antitower.

Law’s Order

Quest: Change of Arms; 15 Loathsome Memories of the Dying.

Crystal Tower Spam / CLL / CE in BSF

Augmented Law’s Order

Quest: A New Path of Resistance; 15 Timeworn Artifacts

Just .. suck up the DR spam.


Quest: Irresistible; 15 Raw Emotions

Best to try and do Dalraida (3 dropped) and DR (2 dropped)

DoH / DoL

To start off with a Relictool, you must have completed the quest Towards the Firmament 1. Once that is done, head to the Skysteel Engineer in Foundation. They can be found at X:14.2 Y:12.5 2. The quest you want to accept is “Mislaid Plans” 3. Uppon compleation, you will get a Skysteel Prototype Coffer to get started!

If you want to start yet another Relictool. 1. Head to Foundation and teleport to the Skysteel Manufactory 2. Speak to Denys at X: 7.9 Y:10.0 3. Click on “Purchase Skysteel Prototypes” and get the tool you desire

Skysteel Prototype Augmentation

To Augment your Skysteel tool as DOH, you must craft 20 spezific High Quality items, which can be seen at the Vendor by clicking “Skysteel Prototype Augmentation”.

Recipes can be seen in the crafting log under “ishguard Resturation” and then under “Skysteel Tools”

To Augment your Skysteel tool as Miner or Botanist, you must collect 460 High Quality items in total. And Fisher need to gather 40 HQ fishes. These can also be seen at the Vendor

Locations of needed Materials can be found in the Gathering log under “Special” and then under “Skysteel Tools”

Skysteel Prototype Augmentation +1

This step is almost the same as the one before!But the quantity increased for both tools 1. DOH must now craft 30 High Quality items. 2. Miner and botanist must now gather 690 High Quality items. And Fisher needs to gather 60 High Quality fish

Augmented Dragonsung Tools

Now, DOL/DOH still have to craft a spezific item, but now you will have to exchange your crafted items for Gobbiegoo. It is also the Part where the Collectables start So the vaule of the Crafted Item matters!

The npc Nimie outside the Skysteel Manufactory will now have a quest for you! Ever Skyward 1. Location: X:7.9 Y:10.6

  1. Gobbiegoo is Job Spezific, so if you decide to make a Alchemist tool, you will recieve Alchemist’s Gobbiegoo
  2. There will be Items, that you need to buy for Yellow Crafters’Scips (Alternatively the Markedboard)
  3. Depending on how high your collectable score is, you will recieve a different amount of Gobbiegoo.

Augmented Dragonsung Tool DOH

A Crafter will need to collect 90 pots of Gobbiegoo.The Thresholds for collectables looks as followed.

Collectability Received
2000-2999 2
3800 - 3999 3
4000+ 5

Augmented Dragonsung Tool DOL

  1. Miner/Botanist needs to collect 50 pots of Gobbiegoo. 10 High Quailty Items can be exchanged for 1 pot of Gobbiegoo
  2. Fisher needs to collect 6 pots of Gobbiegoo. the Exchange rate is still 10 Items!

Skysung Tool

This step doesnt differ to much from the step before.The quantity rose once again, and you are now going after Highly Viscous Gobbiegoo

There is a followup quest, called The Tools of Tomorrow at the same NPC as before.

Skysung Tool DOH

you will now need 105 pots of Highly Viscous Gobbiegoo. the Recipe will have another Material from the Scrip Vendor.The Thresholds for collectables looks as followed.

Collectability Received
3000-3799 2
3800-4599 3
4600+ 5

Skysung tool DOL

  1. Miner/Botanist will now need to get 60 pots of Highly Viscous Gobbiegoo. The exchange rate remains 10
  2. Fisher will need 7 pots of Highly Viscous Gobbiegoo. They have the same exchange rate as before

These Materials are not always obtainable, they are now a “hidden” Item”

Skybuilder tool

The final step to obtain the Finished Relictool.

The Quest for the relic will now continue in the Firmament. The Pinnacle of Possibility 1. Location: X:9.7 Y:14.6

Skybuilder tool DOH

you will now need 60 Oddly Delicate Parts.The Threshold for collectables looks as followed.

These Crafts will now be Expert Crafts which means they follow a different system and are not macroable! if you dont know how to handle these, Follow this guide

Collectability Received
2500-4499 1
4500-6499 2
6500+ 3

Skybuilder tool DOL

Gatherer’s now need to collect 2 kind of times.Oddly Delicate Parts and Inconceivable Delicate Part

1.Some of these items will be in the Diadem!Check your Gathering log for details! 2.Now Collectables will be a part of it aswell.

1.Miner/Botanist need to collect 250 Oddly Delicate Parts and 25 Inconceivable Delicate Parts. 2.Fisher needs to collect 200 Oddly Delicate Parts and 200 Oddly Delicate Parts

The Thresholds for collectables looks as followed.

Collectability Received
400-699 1
700-999 3
1000 7

30 High Quality items can be exchanged for 1 Inconceivable Delicate Part.


All off the fishes will be collectables.The Thresholds are as followed.

Collectability Fish Item Recieved
126-295 Flintstrike 1 Oddly Delicate Fishing Rod Part
296-304 Flintstrike 2 Oddly Delicate Fishing Rod Part
305+ Flintstrike 4 Oddly Delicate Fishing Rod Part
62-146 Pickled Pom Oddly Delicate Fishing Reel Part
147-151 Pickled Pom Oddly Delicate Fishing Reel Part
152+ Pickled Pom Oddly Delicate Fishing Reel Part